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15+ Years of Innovation
$Billions Processed Monthly
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60k+ Retail Cash Locations
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CPS - Laurie Straten

My experience with PayNearMe has been fantastic. They always deliver what they have promised. Very refreshing nowadays.

Laurie Straten Executive Vice President of Servicing
Zeus Financial - Reduce delinquency rate

"We would never have imagined that we'd be able to reduce our delinquency rate to the low numbers we have now, given a portfolio of our size."

Angela Paez General Manager
Automotive Partners Funding - Platform ease of use

"The PayNearMe Platform is so easy that any one of our staff on the phone with a customer can help them make a payment."

Bethany Berg VP of Operations
Cash App Pay - Mike Lavin - CPS

The addition of Cash App Pay gives our customers even more choice and flexibility for making their auto loan payments. PayNearMe is helping us meet our customers where they are by enabling payments at any time, anywhere and in any way they want to pay.

Mike Lavin Chief Operating Officer
Jack Starks - American Bank

"The combination of PayNearMe’s Engagement Engine and Smart Link™ technology is amazing. When it comes time for borrowers to make their payments, they can easily self-serve via the many different channels, and are automatically reminded to do so."

Jack Starks SVP Compliance & Technology
northwoods automotive

How Northwoods Automotive Reduced Inbound Calls +70%

A leading automotive dealer in South Carolina needed a way to reduce the amount of inbound payment calls being fielded by its staff, as well as reduce in-person payments.

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